Nancy Drew and THE TRUTH, (I’m a girl, I’m smart and I know everything!

Who did you idolize from television or books when you were a kid? If you are at all like me, you probably enjoyed lots of famous characters and actresses.  I loved Lucille Ball for example, yet Nancy Drew served as an even more important figure in my life than Lucy. She was VERY important when I was nine, ten, and even eleven.  I would wait with high anticipation if I knew my mother was coming home from shopping and might have a new Nancy Drew book with her.  If she did, my next week was sure to be close to heaven.  I would have a mystery to solve along with Nancy and all the positively luscious feelings of excitement I would be bound to feel as I accompanied her on her newest adventure.  Forget her close buddies, they were only silly girls.  I was dedicated as she, to solving mysteries, and I was there for her.  Oh, they were wonderful adventures that we took together-just Nancy and myself. And when it came to an end I had a let down that could only be compensated for in one way-a long bike ride, a coffee ice cream cone with jimmies on top and the beginning allure of the next Nancy Drew book. 

I think that Nancy Drew was an important icon figure to me, as a positive psychologist,  because in the language of Positive Psychology, she gave me hope.  She validated that I was smart.  She reinforced my resiliency.  After all, I figured out at least some of the mysteries before she did.  She gave me such a sense of competency.  If she could do it, so could I.  I just hadn’t had the right opportunity yet, so for now I accompanied her.

She reinforced my strengths and interests.  After all, I could figure people out.  I could travel, if only my parents would let me.  I could act very grown-up and be a leader.  For example, I was on the Student Council.  Yes, everything about her was affirming to me.  Even her boyfriend gave me hope that someday I would have a boyfriend just as nice and kind and loving,  In fact, Nancy Drew was probably the best therapy I had in my life from the ages of 9-11.  And she didn’t even know she was a Positive Psychologist!

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