Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein, discusses her positive psychology approach, THE ENCHANTED SELF and a great new book in positive psychology, WOMEN’S PATHS TO HAPPINESS, in which she is one of the authors.

As the years have passed and I have become increasingly convinced that happiness is not an option. When you take away joy we immediately find ourselves in circumstances that seem to drain tire and weaken us. I developed The Enchanted Self as a positive psychology approach to work in the treatment room and outside of […]


Katherine’s Memory – Playing Elevator in the Closet Katherine remarked: “My sister and I had so much fun when we were children. The two of us would play, “Elevator” for hours. It was a simple game that went this way: one of us would pretend to be the elevator operator. She would open the closet […]

The Wise Older Woman

Recently, I attended a beautiful wedding. A young Jewish couple came together in joy and the room was filled with happiness. Outside of the banquet room I noticed a group of older women sitting near the door collecting charity. They all looked very pure and plain at the same time, young seniors and older seniors, […]

Dr. Holstein talks about The Enchanted Self, when women are happy, what damages them and how they can reconstruct themselves.

When I did my research with women, I discovered that, indeed, women have a great capacity for happiness and pleasure.Yes, we are born with it, we have that capacity.And the women I interviewed, all of them verified that in some way they had a way of accessing happiness, states of well-being, feeling good.They all did.Whether […]